Why your fundraising matters

Walk for PKD fundraising advances critical PKD research. The PKD Foundation funded over $3M in PKD research last year—let’s keep that momentum going!

The resources and information on this page are designed to guide you to fundraising success. If you need assistance along the way, we’re here to help at walkforpkd@pkdcure.org. Together, we can end PKD.

Five steps to be a successful fundraiser

Step 1: Personalize your fundraising page

Studies show that sharing your story and personalizing your page significantly increases the success of your fundraising effortsAdd a photo and share your PKD story. And make sure you tell everyone why you’re getting involved to help end PKD.  

How to customize your fundraising pageMaximize your fundraising page tips

Step 2: Lead by example. Make a donation to your personal fundraising page

Start your fundraising off by showing others that you’re committed to funding PKD research with your own gift.  

Didn’t make a gift when you registered? You can still do so by navigating to your fundraising page and clicking the green “DONATE” button.

If you receive a check, please mail it to the PKD Foundation using the donation form below. 

Roadmap to $1,000Donation form

Step 3: Ask your squad to donate

Individually email or text 5-10 of your closest friends and ask them to donate. Getting the support of your “inner circle” is an easy way to build your fundraising momentum.  

The Key is to Ask!Overcoming fundraising fears

Step 4: Extend your reach with social media

Social media is a great tool for hitting your fundraising goal. Include the link to your personal fundraising page so donating to you is easy.  

Social Media Took Kit

Step 5: Follow up! 

Everyone wants to support their friends and family. When you follow up on your donation request, it’s also a great time to invite them to join you. It’s always more fun when you have loved ones helping you reach your goal.   

Team Captain Handbook


Celebrate your fundraising success!

  • Every registered Walker who raises $100 will receive a code to redeem this year’s Walk for PKD t-shirt 
  • Raise $400 or more and you’re eligible to claim additional prizes to show your PKD pride 
  • Reach $1,000 in personal fundraising and join our Top Fundraisers Club 

Learn more about fundraising recognitionWalk for PKD t-shirts and prizes